#16 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday, February 23rd 2022 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of February 23rd, 2022 ✺ RECOGNIZING CORPORATE SUCCESSES Covering sustainability often entails looking at empty industry statements. Today, we aim to see beyond those self-congratulatory press releases, and reveal true corporate achievements—as well as
#15 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday, February 9 2022 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of February 9th 18th, 2022 ✺ POLLUTION-HUNGRY MUSHROOMS IN GENEVA Imagine a world where mushrooms could help clean up oil spills or other major environmental catastrophes? The scenario might seem far-fetched, but in fact research
#14 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday, January 19 2022 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of January 19th, 2022 The new year brings its fair share of environmental, economic, and socially aware hopes. “In 2022 the debate is no longer about ‘why’ sustainability is needed — but ‘how’ to pursue
#13 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Thursday, November 18 2021 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of November 18th, 2021 Friends, Today in the G|O’s SUSTAINED-The SDGs Decoded: Why did Geneva lose the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) bid to Frankfurt? High hopes that the body—considered key
#12 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday, November 3rd 2021 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of November 3rd, 2021 Is humanity on the brink of global water conflicts? In December 2020, water became publicly traded on the stock market. For Pedro Arrojo Agudo, UN Special Rapporteur on the human
#11 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday, October 20 2021 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of October 20th, 2021 How can one justify billionaire extravagance in the climate crisis era? Super yachts, private jets, space travel and other carbon-intensive goods used by the 1%, should, if not outright banned,
#9 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday September 15, 2021 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of September 15th, 2021 As Finance everywhere is moving towards sustainability, it is simultaneously attracting scrutiny from regulators, who are determined not to let the financial industry get away with misrepresentation. As we reported
#8 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Wednesday September 1st, 2021 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of September 1st, 2021 How are Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, J-Lo and Miley Cyrus — to name but a few — helping raise awareness about the SDGs? Music celebrities are joining the cause, and they are doing
#7 SUSTAINED By The G|O - Friday, August 6th 2021 This is an onsite, slightly edited republication of the complete SUSTAINED - THE SDGS DECODED newsletter of August 6th, 2021 How is the fashion industry joining the SDG runway? You might be forgiven for not immediately linking fashion and the SDGs. But in fact, they are closely related, and it