Welcome to our special coverage on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Here, we offer a broad perspective on the enduring and complex war between Israel and Hamas, exploring the historical context, the key issues at stake, and the implications for regional and global politics.
The Unfinished Journey of Palestinian Statehood
On May 22, Palestine was recognized as a state by Norway, Ireland, and Spain, bringing the number of countries recognizing Palestine’s statehood to over 140 of the 193 members of the United Nations. And yet Palestine is still not a legal state.
Moreover, the current political consensus is that
Trump May Not Be Above the Law, but Are Israeli and Hamas Leaders?
While statements that “No one is above the law,” are repeated in the US over the trials of former President Donald Trump, can the same be said when it comes to international law? Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan of the International Criminal Court (ICC) answered yes, by analogy, when he announced
The Unbearable Lightness of Anti-Zionism
The Politics of Student Protests and Their Unintended Consequences
Daniel Warner | Should protesters think about how politicians and voters will use them?
Resources is an expanding curated and tagged collection of various documents we use while writing The Geneva Observer. Its allows you to easily find and download research UN reports, academic and NGOs papers.

Document: How to Fix the WTO
Building on the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) long-standing support for the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the multilateral trading system, this paper is intended to set out a holistic vision for WTO reform from the perspective of the global business community.

Assessment of Restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector Development
The goal of the assessment is to develop a balanced analysis and create awareness of the factors restricting Palestinian water sector development as well as of the economic, social, and environmental impacts of these restrictions.

UNRWA and the Palestine Refugees: Challenges for Developing a Strategic Vision
UNRWA Final Report 2022UNRWA Final Report 2022.pdf3 MBdownload-circle

"Unsustained Reforms, Unprotected Rights" - BWI's Full Report on Migrant Workers' Plight in Qatar Post World Cup 2022
Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) dismisses the Gulf state’s repeated claims that it has significantly altered its labour practices and put in place the mechanisms needed to ensure that changes in its legislation are implemented.