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Peace between Israel and the Palestinians: It Is Time to Revive the ‘Geneva Initiative’
Raymond Saner | A six-point roadmap to find a solution to the conflict, help the region escape the vicious cycle of recurring bloodshed, and reconstruct Gaza, building on the Geneva Initiative's network of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation.
Suspending Funding for the UN’s Refugee Organization in Gaza is an Indirect Violation of the International Court of Justice’s Decision—and Morally Indefensible
DANIEL WARNER | the move to suspend funding for the organization is an indirect violation of the ICJ’s decision and IS morally indefensible.

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From Geneva, Another Piece of Evidence to Document Gaza’s Hellish Reality—and Future

The Inside Story of a Senior UN Human Rights Official’s Resignation.
The G|O talks to Craig Mokhiber
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Understanding Israel’s Dehumanizing of Palestinians—Rereading Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas
The Philosophy Behind Israeli Government's Dehumanizing Language
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Riccardo Bocco, on Humanitarian Despair and the Future of the Palestinian People
Riccardo Bocco, on Humanitarian Despair and the Future of the Palestinian People