#97 The G|O Briefing, May 12, 2022 New accusations about Geneva's bogus 'universities' - Can the WTO help avert a catastrophic global food crisis?
Subscribers Only Global governance in a world of change: A must read for understanding ‘International Geneva’ ‘International Geneva’ remains an expression in search of a definition. Outside of Geneva, it has no real meaning. One of the merit of 'Global Governance in a World of Change' is to address these questions by providing a conceptual framework to better understand this unique ecosystem.
Michael J. Barnett, on global governance in an age of change “International organizations are not going to be able to move great powers where they do not want to go, and they are likely to be in survival mode.”
#96 The G|O Briefing, May 5, 2022 With the war, is international cooperation still possible? An interview with Michael Barnett - And expect tensions at the next WHA meeting