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Seized by the ILO, the International Court of Justice Will Rule on the Right to Strike. Why Did China and Russia Oppose the Move?
History is full of ironies: on the surface, you might expect the two largest communist economies of the world, China and Russia, to protect the rights of workers. A vote last week at the International Labour Organisation’s Governing Body (GB), the UN specialized agency’s executive body, illustrated they

Exclusive: Showdown between Workers and Employers at the ILO: Workers and 36 Member States are asking the Governing Body to call upon the International Court of Justice to rule on the right to strike; Employers are accusing the ILO of partiality
Is the “right to strike” a fundamental labour right or not? Long-simmering and acrimonious discord on this question is boiling over at the International Labour Organization (ILO). The G|O can reveal that with the support of 36 Governments, a request by the Organization’s Workers’ Group to call upon
#85, The G|O Briefing, February 10, 2022
ILO experts issue strong criticism of Beijing’s actions in Xinjiang province - WTO Secretariat shaken by reform plan
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